Friday, August 5, 2011

Texas is Awesome

Those that know me know I'm a Texas girl. I love my state and generally find it superior to any other state. That statement may offend some, but I'm from Texas and my love for the state is something I was born with. Can't change it, so might as well embrace it (well I probably could change if I wanted to but why would I want to...).
Anywho, as some of you might know, because Texas is clearly a superior state with lots of pride we have a little something known as Texas flag running shorts. I have wanted these shorts ever since I started running and no, I'm not joking. They are awesome, they are Texan and yes, I would wear them with pride. Apparently you can get your own state flag shorts, but I have yet to see other states being represented.

I'm sure you all are thinking, well if you wanted them for the past two years, why haven't you gone out and bought them? Truthfully, I don't have a good answer for it. Partially it stems from the fact that you can't buy them stores in the DC area, and I hate shopping online for clothes. Yes, I realize this last statement may make me a weirdo, but I'm ok with that.  The other part of it, was I wasn't completely sure I could pull those babies off. Lame I know, but thankfully my lack of access to them was most of the reason why I didn't buy them. Not too long ago, my 24th birthday rolled around and what did I receive as a birthday present? Yep, you guessed it, TEXAS RUNNING SHORTS. Best birthday present ever? I think yes. So before posting this super embarrassing picture of myself showing off my cool new shorts, I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to my Mom, who bought them for me. Try not to be too jealous and yes, if you come to watch me run my marathon you will be able to spot me in the crowd, because I'm guessing no one else will have these babies on.

PS. Yes, this is the Texas state flag, not the Chilean flag and not the Puerto Rican flag, so don't even go there.

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