Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Training Update

So I realize it's been a little while since I've written about how my training is going and I wanted to give a little update. I'm definitely on track with my training, which is good, but I'm not going to lie, training this year has  been more difficult that last year. I think part of it has been all of the traveling I've done this summer, which is taking its toll, but even weekends when I'm home I've had trouble "getting into the zone." I'm still sticking to my training plan, but my runs have been more effort mentally than I would like (physically I'm in the same shape I was in last year so that's nice). I also think part of it is that I know I'm not invincible and if I don't listen to my body I could get hurt again. I think this is making a little more hesitant with my runs, but I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing as long as I don't constantly focus on it. I'm hoping that August is going to be a turning point with my training (especially since there are only 3 months left till the race) and I can get off this plateau that I seem to be on.

On a positive note, I had an awesome 5 mile run this morning with the Hootster. We had a nice run through Old Town and then by the Potomac (although I did have to keep Hoot from jumping in the Potomac) and as always I'm amazed by the number of people who were out running at 5:30am. I truly believe there is no better way to start your day than with a good run as you come back more awake, alert and ready to take on the day. Plus it's nice to know that I burned 500 calories before 7am!

Another positive is that the BF is getting back into running and has started going on evening jogs with me and Hoot. These are just leisurely two mile jogs at this point and are a nice way to supplement my training and stretch out my legs after a long day at the office. It's also nice to have someone to carry on a conversation with too!

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