Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Long Run Fail

Not just fail, epic fail. I admit I was a little nervous about this week's long run as I haven't run 10 miles since 2010, but I was looking forward to the challenge. Saturday night I was like a kid before the first day of school. I laid out my new running shoes (more on those later), spread out my GU Gels so I could have my pick of what flavor I wanted pre run and during, and laid out my shorts and water belt. I set my alarm for 5:30 and it was off to sleep.

Well wouldn't you know at about 5:20am I was jolted out of my sleep by loud booms of thunder and flashes of lightening. Soon that was followed by a torrential downpour that lasted at least until 6:15am when I decided to go back to bed because I assumed it wasn't going to stop anytime soon. I'm not hardcore enough to run in a thunderstorm, especially on a trail I don't know. Needless to say I was bummed missing my run, but figured it was ok because I would try to tackle it Monday morning. Oh and for those of you wondering, no, I didn't try running 10 miles at 9am with 95% humidity when the rain had stopped.

Attempt number 2: 5:30 Monday morning rolls around earlier than I want, but I get up and get dressed and notice that I wasn't really feeling great. I tried to walk it off and keep getting ready in hopes that it was just a little morning sluggishness, but my stomach wasn't 100% and I was feeling ridiculously warm (like I had run 3 miles warm). My handy dandy thermometer happened to be close by so to convince myself that it was just morning sluggishness I took my temp for grins. Turns out I had a 100 degree temp...not what I was hoping for. Once again I was thwarted in my efforts to tackle the long run and went back to bed (I ended up sleeping most of Monday, so I guess I was a little sick). Luckily by Monday night my temperature was back down to normal so at least I was ready to tackle week two of training.

The long run situation was certainly not expected nor ideal, but sometimes these shenanigans happen. Hopefully that's my only setback with my training (although I know I won't be doing my 11 mile run in Mexico this weekend), but you have to deal with these things as they come.

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