Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week One of Training

So week one is well underway and so far so good. I already modified the plan a little because I took Monday as a rest day after overdoing it on weights on Sunday. Tuesday's run was a little slow because I was still stiff from weights and it was a little warmer since I ran after work (I know, I know I said I would never do that again...). Wednesday my legs were tired, but I ran with Hoot and he was definitely not feeling sluggish again. I did my Tuesday-Thursday runs with the Hootster because Friday he was going in to get snipped (if you catch my drift) and I knew I would be out a running partner for at least a week or so. I might have been feeling sluggish, but he couldn't be more excited to be out running. Today is my cross training day so looking forward to doing some yoga and cycling.

The only real downside to the week thus far are my shoes. I'm not running long distances but my shoes are tearing up my feet ie blisters the size of quarters. No bueno. Looks like I will have to look into some new shoes because the thought of running 10 miles in my current ones terrifies me.

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