Monday, June 13, 2011


Here I coooomeee (sorry I couldn't help myself). This past weekend I headed across the country to LA for the wedding of one of the happiest couples I know. When I think of California I think sunshine, warm weather and lounging by the beach. I checked the weather and it said low 70s/high 60s, perfect. Well clearly I forgot exactly what those temps felt like because all I packed was dresses and was cold most of the time.

On the plus side, the cool temps meant perfect running weather. Friday morning I threw on my running clothes and headed out for a quick run along the Marina and off to find a CVS to pick up a few things I had forgotten to pack. Did I mention that I woke up at 5:30am because my body clock was off? Lucky for me there was a nice running path set off of the road for the first (the CVS was about 2 miles away). Street running in LA was an interesting experience...normally I don't have bus drivers rocking out next to me while waiting for a light and in DC people don't look at me like I have three heads for running on the sidewalk. I guess I missed the memo about where the "cool kids run."

Now I had every intention of running back after picking up a few small things at CVS when I got sidetracked. I was like an insect to a light when across the parking lot I saw...

Jamba Juice. My love for Jamba Juice goes back to my high school days. We used to go to Jamba Juice after school and cross country races and my friend Lise and I even used it as a motivator to run 3 miles on Sundays. I love their smoothies, especially mango a go go. I couldn't remember the last time I had JJ so as soon as I saw it I knew I had to go. I was a little too chilly to enjoy a smoothie so I grabbed a cup of coffee and some of their oatmeal (not the same as a smoothie I know) and walked back to the hotel. It was great and all I can say is that I wish JJ would open up a location in DC.


  1. Mmm Jamba Juice - people over here in the UK just don't get the craze! Probably something to do with the weather. That said, I have found a, dare I say it, an even better version of fruity drinks: Pink Berry - delicious frozen yoghurt!! So good!

    Good luck with all the training - JJ is a good way to get energy for all the running :)

  2. Pink Berry as in the fro yo place that I think started in Cali? I think we just got one in DC so I'll have to check it out!
