Monday, June 20, 2011

When Life Gets in the Way

When I was asking one of my friends about which marathon training plan she used to train for her marathons, she gave me a number of great resources to check out but most importantly she reminded me of the hardest part of training and that is getting out there and getting the miles under your belt. Well this week she was definitely right. After Monday life got in the way and I just couldn't find the motivation to get in the miles before or after work. Work was hectic and I was jet lagged from California so I wasn't getting a lot of sleep and constantly felt like I was running on empty. I wasn't proud about my lack of commitment to my running, but I guess it is best that it happened before my real regimen begins. I got back on track Saturday, but I am definitely feeling guilty about the days I took off. Sometimes life just gets in the way, but one of my goals from now on is to never miss a training run. We will see how that goes!

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