Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hot Hot Hot

So remember how I said that I was going to start waking up early to run? Well it didn't happen yesterday. I set my alarm for 5:30 but could not drag myself out of bed for the life of me. Usually I'm a morning person so getting up early isn't a problem, but yesterday it just didn't happen.

Instead I had to do my run in the evening which meant dealing with the 97 degree weather. Let me tell you it was hot! And I don't just mean hot as in "oh I'm sweating and this is gross" but more like "oh my goodness I think I could cook an egg on my arm and I'm pretty positive steam is coming off my legs." It was miserable. I tried to wait until 6:30 when I thought it had cooled off a bit, but even that didn't help. Now I'm from Houston so I know hot and I prefer being hot to cold any day, but yesterday was too hot even for me. I remember running this winter and thinking about how great it would be to train in the summer when you don't have to deal with freezing fingers and snotcicles (tmi?). Clearly I had forgotten all the joys of summer running including sweating so much that it looks like you couldn't make it to the bathroom or having your face turn the color of a tomato.

From now on I'm running in the morning or once the sun has gone down because I'm done feeling like an egg in frying pan. Lucky for me I'm headed out to Cali for the next four days and will take advantage of running in their lovely 70 degree weather! Fingers crossed that it drops back into the 80s by the time I get back.

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