Wednesday, June 8, 2011

So it begins

Day1 of my pre-marathon training training aka getting back into running regularly before the real training begins in July. As some of you know, I trained for the Marine Corp Marathon last year but didn't really start training until July. I personally think that was part of the reason my IT band decided to scream "enough" and give out on me (more on that later). This year I am hoping to avoid the same mistakes by taking a couple of weeks to get into a regular running, stretching and lifting routine before the real training begins.

Last night I decided to take it easy and head out on a three mile run after work and wow have I forgotten a)how hot it is and 2) how hard it can be running in 90 degree weather. Usually I like to run in the morning, but yesterday I just couldn't pull myself out of bed at 5:30 to get it done. However, after coming back drenched after 3 miles I think I might be a little bit more motivated to get up before the sun is out! Oh the joys of training in the summer...

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