Sunday, June 26, 2011

To Stretch or Not To Stretch

It really isn't a question...but it is probably my least favorite part of running. I hate stretching. I'm not sure where my aversion came from, but I do not like it one bit. I'm sure part of it is because I'm not flexible (but that's why you stretch...) but I also get bored. It really is silly that out of all of the parts of running this is the one I dislike the most, especially because it is arguably the easiest.

I consider it a good day if I stretch for 5 minutes after my run and hold a stretch for 10 seconds once a week. Sad, I know. However, I do realize the value of stretching and having non-tight muscles so my goal during training is to stretch at a minimum 4 times a week for at least 10 minutes (and no I'm not counting foam roller usage as stretch time). It's not the most ambitious goal, but I know I will struggle to keep it so start small and then as training progresses I will try stretching more frequently and for longer. Let's see how it goes!

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