Sunday, June 26, 2011

The "Long" Run

Well today's run wasn't what I would qualify as long. It was supposed to be an easy 5 mile run, but I got lost and ended up running only 4.7. Oh well what can you do? I realize to some 5 miles sounds like a lot, but in the grand scheme of things it's less than 1/5 of a marathon. Right now the thought of running what I ran yesterday about 6 more times is pretty daunting, but that's why you have training and ideally a plan that maps out all of your runs anywhere from 18-12 weeks before your marathon (More on my plan later this week).

This was my first longish run in Old Town so I used it as an opportunity to figure out where my running routes for my different runs will be since clearly I can't use the same ones I did last year. I'm definitely going to miss my 6 mile loops from the house to the Washington Monument or my long runs that took me from the Mall, to Arlington, to the C&O Canal and to Rock Creek Park, but change is good. I've already found my shorter run loops (3 miles) down to the waterfront and back and I'm working on finding some good 6+ mile loops, although I think I have some scoped out. When I was training last year, I actually ran on part of a trail that comes out to Alexandria, so I think for some of my longer runs I will run on that back into DC (I think it's the Mt. Vernon trail, but don't quote me). I can also take the Mt Vernon trail out to Mt. Vernon itself, which I'm looking forward to. The race where I injured myself before the marathon last year actually started from Mt. Vernon so it will be nice to run some of that course again, especially since I will be running that same race this year.

One of the things I'm most excited about, is the fact that my arch nemesis, the Woodrow Wilson Bridge, is only 2.5 miles away. That bridge (and the race it was a part of) was the reason I couldn't run last year's marathon. My IT band and knee started aching when I got up to the top of the bridge and instead of being smart and saying it's not worth hurting myself to finish the race, I kept going because I knew I was close to my half marathon PR (I ended up being something like 30 seconds off). It was a major PLD (poor life decision), but I'm competitive and stubborn and I paid the price for my PLD. Some people think I'm crazy for running this race again so close to the marathon, but to me I see it as a benchmark that my body will be ready to handle the marathon. I'm also going to train smarter this year so that my body can handle this race and the marathon, and if it can't then maybe it's a sign.. .but right now my mindset is optimistic. I'm also not going to be stupid this year when I run the race and instead of running it as a race, I'm going to run it as a long run (even though that's what I intended to do last year...).

But back to my run yesterday...I actually ran up to the WW bridge, with the intent of running a little bit of it, but ended up getting lost and didn't make it to the base of the bridge. Instead I ended up underneath it, but next to a very lovely park/garden area. Next time, I'll do a better job of remembering the directions on the Map My Run route. Map My Run is a great tool if you want to plot out your mileage online before or after a run, or even a walk or bike ride. Still, it was a nice run with some unexpected little hills, some new scenery and BEST OF ALL, I finally got to see the Old Town Farmer's market, which looks and smells phenomenal. Tons of vendors (and surprisingly customers) were out at 6am with loads of fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers and so much more. Next time I'm either going to plan my run so that it finishes there, or run back down there as soon as I'm done with my run because it all looks delicious. I'm already looking forward to next Saturday!

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